Family Life 1. List the members of your family (include name, age, occupation and grade/level of education): Father: Juan Carlos Carballo, 42, photographer, finished 2 years of high school Mother: Marta Elizabeth Iniguez, 31, camerawoman, finished high school Son: Nahuel Carballo, 9, student in 4th grade Daughter: Maria Belen Carballo, 8, primary student in 3rd grade Daughter: Maria Pia Carballo, 6, primary student in 1st grade 2. How large a family did each parent come from? Juan Carlos: 1 brother, 2 parents Marta:1 sister, 2 parents 3. How much time does your family spend together at work and play? Our family is together most of the time, except when the kids are in school. When we work, we do it at home. We even have to take our kids with us when we cannot find a relative to stay in the house (we cannot afford a baby sitter). 4. How far do you commute to work or school? Six blocks from school and none to work except, obviously, when we have to go out to work which is mainly on the weekends and most often close to home. 5. What kinds of transportation do you use? How much time is spent in transport? Bus, taxi. 6. Do you actively practice your religion? How does it affect your daily life and community? We are Catholic. Sometimes we go to Mass. Our children pray before meals. Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? We consider ourselves struggling. The local economy is bad, work is not stable, we don't have a fixed income.